Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sylvania ECOlight Powered by Shower Water

Have you ever tried to take a shower in the dark, like during a power outage? Not a lot of fun, isn’t it? Imagine if you had a light in the shower that is not powered by batteries, but hydroelectric power.

That’s right, the ECOlight is powered by the running of water in your shower. It’s like having a dam on your showerhead! I didn’t take that from the Sylvania Press Release, I swear.

Not only does the shower light give you a bright LED, but it also has an illuminated ring that will change color depending on the temperature of the water. I’m not certain how it works, but the light will be blue if the water is less than 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and red when it is warmer than 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

I am hoping that the ECOlight from Sylvania is the beginning of technology that runs on running water. Imagine a waterproof radio that plays in the shower, and powered by the water coming out of the showerhead.

Why stop there? How about cell phone chargers connected to the faucets in the house. So if you are washing the dishes, your phone is getting the juice. That idea is free to market, by the way, just send me a thank-you note and a percentage of the profits.

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